Thursday 2 August 2012

Why Nokia Failed To Dominate The Smartphone Market

Reasons For Nokia's Failure 

#1: Failed To respond to Apple iPhone

One of the "Top reasons for Nokia's failure in smartphone market" is that it failed to answer Apple's iPhone. They needed to move till 2011 for doing that, bringing out "Nokia Lumia" series smartphones to rival them. It was too late. Lumia hasn't yet caught the market.Top end is now dominated by other companies and Nokia can only watch in despair.

#2: Symbian OS Isn't Popular Anymore! & Windows hasnt paid off

Nokia's very own Symbian OS has failed to become an attractor. It lost its Glory and Strength. It is waiting for a mercy killing. But Nokia isn't ready to give it up. Samsung did the right thing taking up Android but windows haven't worked out for Nokia yet.

#3: Android-Popularity And Lack of Anticipation
One of the top reasons for Nokia's failure lies in Popularity of Android Platform. Samsung pioneering the use of Android through their Galaxy Series. Every year people know a new Galaxy is coming from Samsung, and people are really looking forward for it. Samsung won this because they build up anticipation which Nokia utterly failed to do.  


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