Celebrating 20 Years Of Glorious Gaming History-
Mortal Kombat Still The Best Fighting Game Ever
"Choose Your Destiny"........."Finish Him"
Ah They bring back some old memories. Or may be not so old as you think it might me. Recent reports from Google suggest that Mortal Kombat is ranked number four on most searched games of 2011. Its Now celebrating 20 years of gaming history. First Mortal Kombat was released on 1992 by MIDWAY games.
Mortal Kombat 4 made 3D entry for the series and the first windows game. Featuring 15 characters and is the most successful of the series. Currently for PS VITA a new Mortal Kombat is released. Many title have been launched after MK , CAPCOM's Street Fighter , NAMCO's Tekken are only the few of the famous series. But none has ever managed to surpass the name Of Mortal Kombat.
Why do we love Mortal Kombat ...?
Mortal Kombat features many characters. Most of them are byhearted by us. There may not be any other game which possess so many characters which we remember like MK. From Sonya To Shinnok. And never forget the four handed killing machine Goro.

Fatalities are the very first things to come to our mind when we say about MK. other MK series featured Babelities, Brutalities, and Friendships ( in the end you hand over a bouquet instead of killing your opponent). MK has gone through many phases, but still it punches it way through many games. So there is no denail in saying that MK is the "Best Ever Fighting Game in history".
MK is the best. MK Rulezzzzz